I took a look at my fathers machine yesterday as he said it wouldn't let him log in.
He is using the splash screen. His username and that of the administrator are not password protected.
When you click on his username, XP starts the login process and then comes up with 'saving user settings and logging off'
We cannot get into it at all. I have tried using safe mode, and getting it to restore using the xp disc, but it will not boot from the XP cd despite my elevating the drive to the first boot device.
Any one got any ideas that a non computer literate person could try, as he lives a way from me and I would have to talk him through any solution?
He is using the splash screen. His username and that of the administrator are not password protected.
When you click on his username, XP starts the login process and then comes up with 'saving user settings and logging off'
We cannot get into it at all. I have tried using safe mode, and getting it to restore using the xp disc, but it will not boot from the XP cd despite my elevating the drive to the first boot device.
Any one got any ideas that a non computer literate person could try, as he lives a way from me and I would have to talk him through any solution?