Hi. I'm having trouble with the following scenario: I connected a workstations running Windows XP Home to a Server (Windows 2003 Server). I setup a user name on the server (we'll say "jondoe"). At the workstation, I changed the existing user account name (in control panel) to match the server: jondoe (original user name was "Owner", typical for XP Home). I also set matching passwords for jondoe on the server and workstation. I then rebooted and logged in as jondoe on the workstation. Normally I'd be able to access the server without additional popup windows or "access denied" errors (if the workstation login/password matches the server's login/password for a given user). HOWEVER, this is not the case: I either get additional login windows, or "access denied". From what I can see: the login name (and/or credentials) being passed to the server is still "Owner", and NOT "jondoe"!! If I setup an "Owner" account on the server, I connect fine... Please help!