I have an older Sony VAIO laptop that hasn't worked properly and has just been sitting around for a few years. I found a system restore disk for XP, but it isn't the one that came with my VAIO, it is for an eMachines desktop computer. I figured I'd give it a shot anyways since I haven't used the laptop in years. It did, in fact, return the laptop to "factory settings", but from what I can remember, it's not the factory settings of the VAIO, but most likely the desktop computer. XP opens, and I believe functions properly. However, I'm not sure how to search for a wireless internet connection, and I'm wondering if that function is something that maybe wasn't included on that particular disk for the eMachines. So, I'm asking, is it a big deal that I used the eMachines desktop restore disk for a Sony VAIO laptop? And, what steps do I need to take to get my wireless internet connection to be recognized by this laptop? COrrect me if I'm wrong, but I thought if you turn a new laptop on, it will recognize any wireless connections, then proceed from there to get it all set up to work properly. Basically, what I see on my VAIO, looks very generic to what it looked like when I bought it.