i am using a d-link card, i do not know what model etc as that is at home and i'm at work.
I am not securing the network, as where i live no one else could really access my wireless points, unless they wre directly outside, and my dog would see them....
So i'm just tryin to us an open connection, which i thougth was the easiest... I did think that SP2 would not connect to an unsecure access point, so then i messed around with the router settings to try and get some WEP security which did not even work.
The only was i could kind of connect was to manually input the IP / DNS settings. But then i could not get any internet access.
I'd check that your router is set for DHCP and that Windows is managing the connection (Advanced tab on network connection) and then retry.
AFAIK WinXP's wireless connection should connect to an unsecured network using the default settings.
Also, have a look at this thread730-582449 and see if it's of any help.
SP2 automtically sets up and enables a fire wall. This can cause a lot of problems. First disable the Fire wall and see if you can connect if so the adjust the settings in the fire wall to let you connect.
Sounds liek your not set up right for DHCP on your main access point.
Open the command prompt, type 'ipconfig'. You shoudl see a list of info, with numbers next to it such as .
Then, type 'ipconfig /release' . You should get confirmation that they have released all the settings.
Type 'ipconfig /renew' .
You will eithe rget new information, in which case DHCP is working OK, or you will get a response saying 'unable to contact DHCP server' (or something similar) or 'blah blah blah adapter not set up for DHCP.
Let us know which one happens and how this affects things.
Were you able to connect to or ping the default gateway when you manually put thee settigns in? Do you use a wired or wireless connection to program the DG? (Also, I guess you use a web browser interface for it?).
when i am setting the address i am using the ones that my desktop users, and tranfering these into the wireless settings.
The DG is the setting that i'm unsure of, cause my router is saying one thing, but this could just be thats setting, or to use the desktop settings, but the wireless seems to have more.
Yes uninstalling SP2 is possible but not really advisable. Aside from the increased security it offers, you will lose the fixes detailed here, and (according to my understanding) will have trouble obtaining future updates via Windows Update without reinstalling SP2.
Have you read through the thread I linked to in my second post?
Based on the general information you've given us - no encryption on network, connects but without valid IP address, thread730-582449 seems to offer a solution set that clearly worked for others experiencing similar problems.
If you have tried these fixes then please let us know the results; the more details you provide the more likely we are to be able to help.
You can't have 2 PC's on the same network with the same address. Try adding 1 to the last number in your desktop PC's address. If your desktop is make your laptop Every device must have it's own address.
have you disabled the FW in SP2 i know it causes problems.
I guess you can 'see' your wireless network, but it doesn't connect -and therefore not giving you an ip address-.
Check under services for wireless zero config. If its enabled, disable it..and if its disabled, enable it not sure which was it was.
Also I've been told that when you don't broadcast your ssid on your ap with xp sp2 wireless might not work if you use the windows wireless settings. Not sure if this is true.
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