While sending files via ftp or over trillian, the recipient says the data is corrupt. Whether it's a zip or a jpg.
I've tried the winsock reset tool and have done a memory test.
Xp Sp1
This is xp - linksys - cablemodem.
The only thing I can think that changed was sygate personal fw update.
Aside from testing a fresh xp install any advice?
What's strange is I can receive fle via ftp without any corruption via ftp.
Any thoughts?
I've tried the winsock reset tool and have done a memory test.
Xp Sp1
This is xp - linksys - cablemodem.
The only thing I can think that changed was sygate personal fw update.
Aside from testing a fresh xp install any advice?
What's strange is I can receive fle via ftp without any corruption via ftp.
Any thoughts?