I recently built my second computer, and after booting it up, noticed that my processor shows up as a 2200+ when it is in fact a 3200+. I looked through the settings in bios to see if there was something i could change but everytime i changed the multiplier, my machine would fail to boot up. The motherboard is a Soyo KT400 Ultra. Im running 1 gig of Kingston PC2700 HyperX DDR ram.
If anyone could also explain why the FSB options in bios dont say 333, but only 133.. thatd be cool also. I don't really understand that and want to get a better idea of how all this cpu voltage and speed settings work.
If anyone could also explain why the FSB options in bios dont say 333, but only 133.. thatd be cool also. I don't really understand that and want to get a better idea of how all this cpu voltage and speed settings work.