I am reading a string file comprised of HEX values followed by a checksum and an EOF string: Note that there is no comma before the ckecksum)
From what I've read, I need to relace the commas with spaces, get the VAL of the data, then perfom a cumulative XOR on the file - is this correct?
I need to verify the data, so I plan to use XOR on all the data and the checksum (Not the EOF string).
When I'm done, the value should be 0 - correct?
I'm not asking for code - just verification of my plan.
From what I've read, I need to relace the commas with spaces, get the VAL of the data, then perfom a cumulative XOR on the file - is this correct?
I need to verify the data, so I plan to use XOR on all the data and the checksum (Not the EOF string).
When I'm done, the value should be 0 - correct?
I'm not asking for code - just verification of my plan.