I am trying to validate some xml, using xsd documents that have a chamleon include design.
xsd 'A' has no namespace
xsd 'B' defines a namespace, and uses the include statement to refer to xsd 'A'.
If I try and add these schemas to the MSXML2 schema cache, I end up with an 'Undeclared XSD element' error (the element the error refers to a declared element in schema 'A').
Can I use chamelon includes in MSXML2?
(The XSD files are not within my control which limits me for solutions.)
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xsd 'A' has no namespace
xsd 'B' defines a namespace, and uses the include statement to refer to xsd 'A'.
If I try and add these schemas to the MSXML2 schema cache, I end up with an 'Undeclared XSD element' error (the element the error refers to a declared element in schema 'A').
'Code is VBA, testing in MS Access 2003
Dim xmlSchema As MSXML2.xmlSchemaCache40
Set xmlSchema = New MSXML2.xmlSchemaCache40
xmlSchema.Add "", "C:\temp\a.xsd"
xmlSchema.Add "[URL unfurl="true"]http://www.mycompany.com/TEMP",[/URL] "C:\temp\b.xsd"
Can I use chamelon includes in MSXML2?
(The XSD files are not within my control which limits me for solutions.)
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