I'm using ms.xmlhttp on my website to retrieve some information from another webpage on the Internet. If the other webpage isn't available (or is very slow), my webpage will suffer.
1. Setup the xmlhttp request
2. Send the request
3. Wait for response OR continue executing script if response not received in x seconds
Is it possible to do the above in VBScript on the server?
I know that XMLHTTP supports sending an asyncronous request and have a callback function called when the request is ready. The problem is I don't know how to halt script execution, go to sleep and wake up after response is received or timed out.
I'm using ms.xmlhttp on my website to retrieve some information from another webpage on the Internet. If the other webpage isn't available (or is very slow), my webpage will suffer.
1. Setup the xmlhttp request
2. Send the request
3. Wait for response OR continue executing script if response not received in x seconds
Is it possible to do the above in VBScript on the server?
I know that XMLHTTP supports sending an asyncronous request and have a callback function called when the request is ready. The problem is I don't know how to halt script execution, go to sleep and wake up after response is received or timed out.