since the end of last week an automated script has stopped running that use XMLHTTP to send an xml file to script across the internet.
it's pretty standard stuff (i've posted on the the send script)
now last week this worked correctly and now it gives an error of
line 112 is the send command.
I have tested the same script on my dev server and it works fine.
This server is NT4, IIS4.
The strange thing is that I have a smilar script running elsewhere on the server to UPS courier interaction.
I have google on the error code and as usual it produces not alot to go.
Any ideas why it would just stop?
it's pretty standard stuff (i've posted on the the send script)
Set objHTTPXML = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") "GET","[URL unfurl="true"]http://theURLgoeshere[/URL] -- * edited out", False
objHTTPXML.setRequestHeader "Content-type", "text\xml"
now last week this worked correctly and now it gives an error of
/sendfile.asp, line 112
I have tested the same script on my dev server and it works fine.
This server is NT4, IIS4.
The strange thing is that I have a smilar script running elsewhere on the server to UPS courier interaction.
I have google on the error code and as usual it produces not alot to go.
Any ideas why it would just stop?