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xmlHttp not working on apply button but does onmousedown value.

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Feb 20, 2007
Here is the website.

Start typing with the letter T then select a painting. Works great.

Now, type in the letter T and type out the entire name of one painting and hit apply. missing innerHTML value. I can't find where to or how to assign this value in the JS.

odiv.innerHTML search to find where it is being set.

<script language=javascript>

var objectTypes = ['Msxml2.XMLHTTP.5.0','Msxml2.XMLHTTP.4.0',

var xmlHttp;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
//Browser is non-IE
xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
else {
for (o in objectTypes) {
try {
xmlHttp = new ActiveXObject(objectTypes[o]);
} catch (ex) {//ignore exception

function AutoCompleteDB()
// set the initial values.
this.bEnd = false;
this.nCount = 0;
this.aStr = new Object;

AutoCompleteDB.prototype.add = function(str)
// increment the count value.

// if at the end of the string, flag this node as an end point.
if ( str == "" )
this.bEnd = true;
// otherwise, pull the first letter off the string
var letter = str.substring(0,1);
var rest = str.substring(1,str.length);

// and either create a child node for it or reuse an old one.
if ( !this.aStr[letter] ) this.aStr[letter] = new AutoCompleteDB();

AutoCompleteDB.prototype.getCount = function(str, bExact)
// if end of search string, return number
if ( str == "" )
if ( this.bEnd && bExact && (this.nCount == 1) ) return 0;
else return this.nCount;

// otherwise, pull the first letter off the string
var letter = str.substring(0,1);
var rest = str.substring(1,str.length);

// and look for case-insensitive matches
var nCount = 0;

if (letter >= 0 && letter <= 9 )
var lNumber = letter;
if ( this.aStr[lNumber] )
nCount += this.aStr[lNumber].getCount(rest, bExact && (letter == lNumber));

var lLetter = letter.toLowerCase();
if ( this.aStr[lLetter] )
nCount += this.aStr[lLetter].getCount(rest, bExact && (letter == lLetter));

var uLetter = letter.toUpperCase();
if ( this.aStr[uLetter] )
nCount += this.aStr[uLetter].getCount(rest, bExact && (letter == uLetter));

return nCount;

AutoCompleteDB.prototype.getStrings = function(str1, str2, outStr)
if ( str1 == "" )
// add matching strings to the array
if ( this.bEnd )

// get strings for each child node
for ( var i in this.aStr )
this.aStr.getStrings(str1, str2 + i, outStr);
// pull the first letter off the string
var letter = str1.substring(0,1);
var rest = str1.substring(1,str1.length);

if (letter >= 0 && letter <= 9 )
var lNumber = letter;
if ( this.aStr[lNumber] )
this.aStr[lNumber].getStrings(rest, str2 + lNumber, outStr);

else {

// and get the case-insensitive matches.
var lLetter = letter.toLowerCase();
if ( this.aStr[lLetter] )
this.aStr[lLetter].getStrings(rest, str2 + lLetter, outStr);

var uLetter = letter.toUpperCase();
if ( this.aStr[uLetter] )
this.aStr[uLetter].getStrings(rest, str2 + uLetter, outStr);

function AutoComplete(aStr, oText, oDiv, nMaxSize)
// initialize member variables
this.oText = oText;
this.oDiv = oDiv;
this.nMaxSize = nMaxSize;

// preprocess the texts for fast access
this.db = new AutoCompleteDB();
var i, n = aStr.length;
for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )

// attach handlers to the text-box
oText.AutoComplete = this;
oText.onkeyup = AutoComplete.prototype.onTextChange;
oText.onblur = AutoComplete.prototype.onTextBlur;

AutoComplete.prototype.onTextBlur = function()

AutoComplete.prototype.onblur = function()
this.oDiv.style.visibility = "hidden";

AutoComplete.prototype.onTextChange = function()

AutoComplete.prototype.onDivMouseDown = function()
{ alert("this.innerHTML = "+this.innerHTML);
this.AutoComplete.oText.value = this.innerHTML;
var url="autocomplete1.cfm?Name=" + document.YourForm.theText.value;
xmlHttp.open('get', url, true);
xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = myResponseMethod;
function myResponseMethod() {
//readyState 4 means complete
if(xmlHttp.readyState == 4) {
if (xmlHttp.status == 200 || xmlHttp.status === 0) {
var char_id="xmlhttp_id"; //characteristic identifier of the wrapper
if (document.getElementById(char_id)) {
var obj=document.getElementById(char_id);
var odiv=document.createElement("div")
odiv.id=char_id; //to prepare for removal for repetitive calls
document.getElementById("theItem").style.visibility = "visible";
document.getElementById("theText").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("theDiv").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("theHeader").style.display = "none";



AutoComplete.prototype.onDivMouseOver = function()
this.className = "AutoCompleteHighlight";

AutoComplete.prototype.onDivMouseOut = function()
this.className = "AutoCompleteBackground";

AutoComplete.prototype.onchange = function()
var txt = this.oText.value;

// count the number of strings that match the text-box value
var nCount = this.db.getCount(txt, true);

// if a suitable number then show the popup-div
if ( (this.nMaxSize == -1 ) || (nCount > 0) ) // max size -((nCount < this.nMaxSize) ) &&
// clear the popup-div.
while ( this.oDiv.hasChildNodes() )

// get all the matching strings from the AutoCompleteDB
var aStr = new Array();
this.db.getStrings(txt, "", aStr);

// add each string to the popup-div
if (aStr.length < 25)
{ var i, n = aStr.length; }
{ var i, n = 26 }

for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
var oDiv = document.createElement('div');
oDiv.innerHTML = aStr;
oDiv.onmousedown = AutoComplete.prototype.onDivMouseDown;
oDiv.onmouseover = AutoComplete.prototype.onDivMouseOver;
oDiv.onmouseout = AutoComplete.prototype.onDivMouseOut;
oDiv.AutoComplete = this;
this.oDiv.style.visibility = "visible";
else // hide the popup-div
this.oDiv.innerHTML = "";
this.oDiv.style.visibility = "hidden";
function createAutoComplete()
var aNames = <cfoutput> [#Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(toScript(thisString , "aNames"),"\","", "ALL"), Chr(34), "", "ALL"),"aNames =", "", "ALL"), ";", "", "ALL")# ] </cfoutput>
new AutoComplete(

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Part and Inventory Search

