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XmlDocument NameSpace Trouble

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Technical User
Aug 28, 2002

I have the xml below which I am reading using XML Document. My code also below works fine if I take the namespace out of the xml but I cannot seem to get the reader right with the NameSpace. Advice would be appreciated.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
- <iPOSImports xmlns=" xmlns:xsi="- <Kofax>
- <Invoices>
- <Invoice>

My Code

' Declare a variable named InvoiceXmlDocument of type XmlDocument.
Dim InvoiceXmlDocument As XmlDocument
' Instantiate a new XmlDocument object assigning it to the 'InvoiceXmlDocument variable.
InvoiceXmlDocument = New XmlDocument

' Call the OrderXmlDocument object's Load method
' passing it the file path to a .xml file that defines order information.
' Declare a variable named theXPathNavigator of type XPathNavigator.
Dim theXPathNavigator As XPathNavigator
' Call the OrderXmlDocument object's CreateNavigator method
' assigning the resulting XPathNavigator object to the 'theXPathNavigator' variable.
theXPathNavigator = InvoiceXmlDocument.CreateNavigator

' Declare a variable named theXPathExpression of type XPathExpression.
Dim theXPathExpression As XPathExpression
' Call theXPathNavigator object's Compile method passing it a query string;
' assign the resulting XPathPression object to the 'theXPathExpression' variable.

theXPathExpression = theXPathNavigator.Compile("//Kofax/Invoices/Invoice/Company")

' Declare a variable named nodes of type XPathNodeIterator.
Dim nodeHead As XPathNodeIterator
' Call theXPathNavigator's Select method passing it theXPathExpression;
' assign the resulting XPathNodeIterator object to the 'nodes' variable.

nodeHead = theXPathNavigator.Select(theXPathExpression)
' Iterate through the Item nodes writing out each items details,

While (nodeHead.MoveNext())
Console.Write("Company: " & nodeHead.Current.Value.ToString & Environment.NewLine)
Company = nodeHead.Current.Value.ToString
I've taken out comments (slightly distractive to my eye)
'... etc etc
Dim theXPathExpression As XPathExpression
theXPathExpression = theXPathNavigator.Compile("//[blue]ns:[/blue]Kofax/[blue]ns:[/blue]Invoices/[blue]ns:[/blue]Invoice/[blue]ns:[/blue]Company")
[blue]Dim xmlnsManager As XmlNamespaceManager = New XmlNamespaceManager(theXPathNavigator.NameTable)
xmlnsManager.AddNamespace("ns", "[ignore][/ignore]")
Dim nodeHead As XPathNodeIterator
nodeHead = theXPathNavigator.Select(theXPathExpression)
'etc etc ...
And then you can put back the comments.
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Part and Inventory Search

