php 4.3.11
I'm reading an rss feed and listing the items on my homepage.
I'm using Pears XML_Parser class
If a feed item has an apostrophe in it, it is converted to a question mark.
is printed out as "Lot?s of fun"
Here's my code
Now, if I stick an echo after $rss->parse() I can see all the apostrophes converted to question marks. I believe parse() actually uses xml_parse().
Is this a bug? Any ideas why it'd be doing that to the apostrophes?
I'm reading an rss feed and listing the items on my homepage.
I'm using Pears XML_Parser class
If a feed item has an apostrophe in it, it is converted to a question mark.
<title>Lot's of fun</title>
Here's my code
$rss =& new XML_RSS("[URL unfurl="true"]");[/URL]
$headlines = $rss->getItems();
Now, if I stick an echo after $rss->parse() I can see all the apostrophes converted to question marks. I believe parse() actually uses xml_parse().
Is this a bug? Any ideas why it'd be doing that to the apostrophes?