Help....This is my xml file. I am trying to display/desing the layout for a asp page. I need to be able to select each category and display in specific area on the asp page.(for example.. I need to be able to select category-name = 'Articles' and display all the category-items under that category and do the same for the other categories.) I am playing with the xslt however, I am still having problems. I am not sure if I can do that...very new to xml/xsl ...Thanks
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<folder-name>Name of Folder</folder-name>
<item-name>more blah blah..</item-name>
<item-description>blah blah..</item-description>
<item-name>More More blahh</item-name>
<item-name>blahh blahh.</item-name>
<item-name>blahh blahh...</item-name>
. more
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<folder-name>Name of Folder</folder-name>
<item-name>more blah blah..</item-name>
<item-description>blah blah..</item-description>
<item-name>More More blahh</item-name>
<item-name>blahh blahh.</item-name>
<item-name>blahh blahh...</item-name>
. more