Sorry for the vague subject, but I don't know the word for what I am looking for.
I have the following XML code:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Settings width="100%"></Settings>
<Title>My Report Title</Title>
<Column id="A" width="11%" align="right" title="Column-A"/>
<Column id="B" title="Column-B"/>
<Column id="C" title="Column-C"/>
<Column id="D" title="Column-D"/>
<Column id="E" title="Column-E"/>
<Row> /Report/Heading/Columns/Column(ID)
<Cell column="A" href=" <Cell column="B" href=" <Cell column="C" href=" <Cell column="D" href=" <Cell column="E" href=" </Row>
<FooterComment>This report is not designed to be printed</FooterComment>
I would like to do the following:
The problem is that this will only get the first instance of the @id property. What happens if I want to get the id="C" or id="E". Is there a way of matching a specific value of the id property. I want to be able to read, lets say, the width property of a specific instance of /Report/Heading/Column/Columns, based on the value of id.
If you could help me out, I would appreciate it.
Sorry for the vague subject, but I don't know the word for what I am looking for.
I have the following XML code:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Settings width="100%"></Settings>
<Title>My Report Title</Title>
<Column id="A" width="11%" align="right" title="Column-A"/>
<Column id="B" title="Column-B"/>
<Column id="C" title="Column-C"/>
<Column id="D" title="Column-D"/>
<Column id="E" title="Column-E"/>
<Row> /Report/Heading/Columns/Column(ID)
<Cell column="A" href=" <Cell column="B" href=" <Cell column="C" href=" <Cell column="D" href=" <Cell column="E" href=" </Row>
<FooterComment>This report is not designed to be printed</FooterComment>
I would like to do the following:
The problem is that this will only get the first instance of the @id property. What happens if I want to get the id="C" or id="E". Is there a way of matching a specific value of the id property. I want to be able to read, lets say, the width property of a specific instance of /Report/Heading/Column/Columns, based on the value of id.
If you could help me out, I would appreciate it.