What would be the best design for a flexible and unlimited menu tree with XML?
Now I have an XML file with only one type of tag (<item>)
The tag holds the name of the item and possible subitems.
I've built it this way so that it would be unlimited in depth, e.g. :
(If you're interested in the menubuilder, see [URL unfurl="true"]http://www.saulmade.nl/contextMenu/[/URL] and its thread on [URL unfurl="true"]http://forum.echoechoplus.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=7807[/URL])
But now I have problems regenerating the tree out of the XML file.
I want the items on each level to have a differnt fontSize and indent (Like the original tree on [URL unfurl="true"]http://www.saulmade.nl/contextMenu/[/URL])
So can an XSLT file be used for this?
Can an XSLT file generate a fontsize and marginLeft style property depending on the depth of an item ( = XML node) ?
And can those properties be limited to a certain value, e.g can the XSLT file check if the generated fontsize is larger than a specified value or set it to that value when it was smaller. (like if(x < value){x = value})
(And as an extra, can a different image be assigned depending whether or not the item contans subitems?)
So can someone help me with the xslt file or is there another way to do this?
Now I have an XML file with only one type of tag (<item>)
The tag holds the name of the item and possible subitems.
I've built it this way so that it would be unlimited in depth, e.g. :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
. <item>
. . treeHead 1
. . <item>treeSub 1.1</item>
. . <item>
. . . treeSub 1.2
. . . <item>treeSub 1.2.1</item>
. . . <item>treeSub 1.2.2</item>
. . </item>
. . <item>treeSub 1.3</item>
. . <item>treeSub 1.4</item>
. </item>
. <item>
. . treeHead 2
. . <item>
. . . treeSub 2.1
. . . <item>
. . . . treeSub 2.1.1
. . . . <item>
. . . . . treeSub
. . . . . <item>treeSub</item>
. . . . </item>
. . . </item>
. . </item>
. </item>
(If you're interested in the menubuilder, see [URL unfurl="true"]http://www.saulmade.nl/contextMenu/[/URL] and its thread on [URL unfurl="true"]http://forum.echoechoplus.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=7807[/URL])
But now I have problems regenerating the tree out of the XML file.
I want the items on each level to have a differnt fontSize and indent (Like the original tree on [URL unfurl="true"]http://www.saulmade.nl/contextMenu/[/URL])
So can an XSLT file be used for this?
Can an XSLT file generate a fontsize and marginLeft style property depending on the depth of an item ( = XML node) ?
And can those properties be limited to a certain value, e.g can the XSLT file check if the generated fontsize is larger than a specified value or set it to that value when it was smaller. (like if(x < value){x = value})
(And as an extra, can a different image be assigned depending whether or not the item contans subitems?)
So can someone help me with the xslt file or is there another way to do this?