ok, I'm a new XML user. Just started last week, and been doing my best to learn as fast as I can.
Need some help here with editing/syntax.
(a) How can I make a text in quotes bold?
Example :
Display Class = 'Text'
blah, blah, etc........value = 'Michael Jackson'
Ok, so what if I want to display Michael Jackson in BOLD? How do I do it?
I already tried : value = '<b>Michael Jackson</b>'
But, of course, that was nonsense. It didnt work.
Any tips?
Please, note : before you respond, I should point out that I already know how to create bold text in XML, using the <b> and </b>. What I need to know is how to bolden text which is enclosed in quotation marks.
(b) I a, also working with creating "Lists" in XML.
Example :
Property name........blah, blah
Display Class = 'Select' blah blah blah
Property = allowedValues, blah, blah
blah, blah, blah
Ok, this works fine......if you have only one dropdown list-menu.
But, what if you want to display two, or three, or even four such dropdown lists? In addition, on the same line? How is this done?
For example :
if I want to indicate DATE (day, month, year). I want to have three dropdown lists, all on the same line, with the values for DAY (No. 1 to 30), MONTH (Jan to Dec), and YEAR (say, 2009 to 2020)
How can I do this?
(c) Is there a way to indicate DATE data-field in XML? The only suitable data field (parameter) I found is TEXT. But, what if you want to input the date?