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XML Structural question...

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Jan 11, 2000
We have the following XML sturcture:<br><br>&lt;TCAResult&gt;<br> &lt;TCACall&gt;<br> &lt;CallID&gt;1&lt;/CallID&gt;<br> &lt;ConsumerID&gt;1111&lt;/ConsumerID&gt;<br> &lt;DateAndTime&gt;01/01/2000 11:52 AM&lt;/DateAndTime&gt;<br> &lt;OperatorCode&gt;AB1&lt;/OperatorCode&gt;<br> &lt;/TCACall&gt;<br> &lt;TCACall&gt;<br> &lt;CallID&gt;2&lt;/CallID&gt;<br> &lt;CallerComment&gt;BBB&lt;/CallerComment&gt;<br> &lt;ConsumerID&gt;2222&lt;/ConsumerID&gt;<br> &lt;DateAndTime&gt;02/01/2000 11:52 AM&lt;/DateAndTime&gt;<br> &lt;OperatorCode&gt;AB2&lt;/OperatorCode&gt;<br> &lt;/TCACall&gt;<br> &lt;TCACall&gt;<br> &lt;CallID&gt;3&lt;/CallID&gt;<br> &lt;CallerComment&gt;CCC&lt;/CallerComment&gt;<br> &lt;ConsumerID&gt;3333&lt;/ConsumerID&gt;<br> &lt;DateAndTime&gt;03/01/2000 11:52 AM&lt;/DateAndTime&gt;<br> &lt;OperatorCode&gt;AB3&lt;/OperatorCode&gt;<br> &lt;/TCACall&gt;<br> &lt;ResultCode&gt;0&lt;/ResultCode&gt;<br>&lt;/TCAResult&gt;<br><br>If you notice, the first Node is missing the &lt;CallerComment&gt; tag.&nbsp;&nbsp;My question is this:<br><br>If you're iterating through the list of Nodes in the xml structure, do all nodes have to have the same tags.&nbsp;&nbsp;The reason I ask is that with the tag missing in the first Node, the MSXML parser jumps down to the second node and grabs its &lt;CallerComment&gt; and uses it for the first Node's caller comment.&nbsp;&nbsp;Then the last caller comment is blank.&nbsp;&nbsp;I don't think it should work this way, but then maybe I don't know all the rules dealing with XML.&nbsp;&nbsp;If I put an empty tag in for &lt;CallerComment/&gt; (&lt;--Like that) for the first record then the document parses correctly.&nbsp;&nbsp;If anyone has any information on this topic I'd like it if you would post a reply.<br><br>Sample output for the first node:<br><br>CallID=1<br>CallerComment=BBB&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;-- This should be blank, not BBB.<br>ConsumerID=1111<br>DateAndTime=01/01/2000 11:52 AM<br>OperatorCode=AB1<br><br>Thanks, <p>Steve<br><a href=mailto:tribesaddict@swbell.net>tribesaddict@swbell.net</a><br><a href= > </a><br>
Dear Steve,<br><br>I can't state this with any certainty, nor can I provide an example. But I believe you can write a DTD for your document that defines the &lt;CallerComment&gt; entity as 'optional'. That might be the technique you are looking for.<br><br>Good luck<br>-pete
Pete,<br><br>Thanks for the response, but I figured out what was wrong with the approach.&nbsp;&nbsp;I figured I'd share it with others before they make the same mistake.<br><br>We were using GetElementByName off the DOM.&nbsp;&nbsp;However, when you use this, it references the elements from the document level and not the node level.&nbsp;&nbsp;This make perfect sense when you stop and think about it.&nbsp;&nbsp;When you tell it to get the Element by name, it get's the first one, regardless of the node it resides under.&nbsp;&nbsp;What we had to do was get the node and then look at the child nodes.&nbsp;&nbsp;Then the CallerComment tag would not show up in the ChildNodes where they didn't exist.<br><br>Now it works great and gives us the expected results.<br> <p>Steve<br><a href=mailto:tribesaddict@swbell.net>tribesaddict@swbell.net</a><br><a href= > </a><br>
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