Hi All,
I'm reading in an XML file from one of our customers.
Everything reads in ok but I can't get a field that is an attribute.
The attribute is MDID = 4 just above the #text - Brushetta item.
This is some of my code.
If FileNameToOpen1 = "" Then
FileNameToOpen1 = "c:\users\kevin\desktop\Invoice.XML"
FileNameToOpen2 = "c:\users\kevin\desktop\I-draft.CSV"
End If
Dim reader As New XmlTextReader(FileNameToOpen1)
FileOpen(2, FileNameToOpen2, OpenMode.Output)
' parse the XML file
IsTime = 0
HereWeGo = 0
IsCategory = 0
IsDivision = 0
While reader.Read()
Select Case reader.NodeType
Case XmlNodeType.Element
Select Case reader.Name
Case "InvoiceDetail" ' this fileld is the beginning of the invoice.
ISInvoice = 1 ' it's and invoce.
HereWeGo = 1 ' go get the invoice.
Exit Select
Case "Description"
If HereWeGo Then IsDescription = 1 ' get the item
Exit Select
Case "MDID"
Case "Division" ' get the division
IsDivision = 1
Exit Select
Case "Quantity" ' get the Quantity sold
IsQuantity = 1
Exit Select
Case "TimeOrdered" ' get the time.
IsTime = 1
Exit Select
Case "FoodCost" ' get the time.
IsFoodCost = 1
Exit Select
Case "Discount" ' its a discount
skip it
HereWeGo = 0 ' skip parsing
Case "MealType" ' all done with this check.
HereWeGo = 1 ' end of the fields so reset for parsing.
ISInvoice = 1
'Case "FiscalDate"
' FiscalDate = 1
Case Else
IsTime = 0
End Select
Case XmlNodeType.Text
If HereWeGo Then
If IsDescription Then
[highlight #FCE94F]Test = reader.GetAttribute("MDID")[/highlight]
Items = reader.Value
IsDescription = 0 ' get the item description.
End If
If IsDivision Then Division = reader.Value : IsDivision = 0 ' get the division for this item.
If IsMode Then Mode = reader.Value : IsMode = 0 ' get the mode for this item.
If IsQuantity Then Quantity = reader.Value : IsQuantity = 0 ' get the quantity
If IsFoodCost Then FoodCost = reader.Value : IsFoodCost = 0
If IsTime Then
TimeOrdered = reader.Value
TimeOrdered = 0
IsTime = 0 'reset
ISInvoice = 0 'reset
IsMode = 0
IsDescription = 0 'reset
End If
End If
Exit Select
Case XmlNodeType.EndElement
Exit Select
End Select
End While
End Sub
End Module
I'm reading in an XML file from one of our customers.
Everything reads in ok but I can't get a field that is an attribute.
The attribute is MDID = 4 just above the #text - Brushetta item.
This is some of my code.
If FileNameToOpen1 = "" Then
FileNameToOpen1 = "c:\users\kevin\desktop\Invoice.XML"
FileNameToOpen2 = "c:\users\kevin\desktop\I-draft.CSV"
End If
Dim reader As New XmlTextReader(FileNameToOpen1)
FileOpen(2, FileNameToOpen2, OpenMode.Output)
' parse the XML file
IsTime = 0
HereWeGo = 0
IsCategory = 0
IsDivision = 0
While reader.Read()
Select Case reader.NodeType
Case XmlNodeType.Element
Select Case reader.Name
Case "InvoiceDetail" ' this fileld is the beginning of the invoice.
ISInvoice = 1 ' it's and invoce.
HereWeGo = 1 ' go get the invoice.
Exit Select
Case "Description"
If HereWeGo Then IsDescription = 1 ' get the item
Exit Select
Case "MDID"
Case "Division" ' get the division
IsDivision = 1
Exit Select
Case "Quantity" ' get the Quantity sold
IsQuantity = 1
Exit Select
Case "TimeOrdered" ' get the time.
IsTime = 1
Exit Select
Case "FoodCost" ' get the time.
IsFoodCost = 1
Exit Select
Case "Discount" ' its a discount
HereWeGo = 0 ' skip parsing
Case "MealType" ' all done with this check.
HereWeGo = 1 ' end of the fields so reset for parsing.
ISInvoice = 1
'Case "FiscalDate"
' FiscalDate = 1
Case Else
IsTime = 0
End Select
Case XmlNodeType.Text
If HereWeGo Then
If IsDescription Then
[highlight #FCE94F]Test = reader.GetAttribute("MDID")[/highlight]
Items = reader.Value
IsDescription = 0 ' get the item description.
End If
If IsDivision Then Division = reader.Value : IsDivision = 0 ' get the division for this item.
If IsMode Then Mode = reader.Value : IsMode = 0 ' get the mode for this item.
If IsQuantity Then Quantity = reader.Value : IsQuantity = 0 ' get the quantity
If IsFoodCost Then FoodCost = reader.Value : IsFoodCost = 0
If IsTime Then
TimeOrdered = reader.Value
TimeOrdered = 0
IsTime = 0 'reset
ISInvoice = 0 'reset
IsMode = 0
IsDescription = 0 'reset
End If
End If
Exit Select
Case XmlNodeType.EndElement
Exit Select
End Select
End While
End Sub
End Module