I'm consuming a webservice into an XMLdocument using a namespacemanager. (ASP.net VB, VS 2008). Well this webservice has dashes(or hyphens) in the XML nodes.
There are 1 to 5 possible weight amounts I need to itterate through. Problem is I can't declare (Dim) a value with a "-" in it. Can someone point me in the right direction.
There are 1 to 5 possible weight amounts I need to itterate through. Problem is I can't declare (Dim) a value with a "-" in it. Can someone point me in the right direction.
Dim nodelist As XmlNodeList
Dim root As XmlElement = xmldoc.DocumentElement
nodelist = root.SelectNodes("/customer-rate-response/rate-items/weight-amount", mgr)
Dim weight-amount As XmlNode '** End of statement Error
for each weight-amount in Nodelist