Hi, I have set up a news scroll for my site. The content is loaded in as xml.
I have put a liitle load window on the front. It works great, using:
But, I don't think people are interested in the bytes - so I just want to display the percentage.
This also works, but badly as far as I'm concerned.
Basically, the bytes loaded slowly goes up and up - but the this.TheNews_init.getBytesTotal(); does not appear until the file has completly loaded. Meaning my bytes goes up, then it appears as 100 at the end.
I have thought of loading the xml in twise. Once, to find the files size - and then to compare it with bytes loaded on the second run. But this can't be the best way.
here is an extract from my debug:
0 of
0 of
0 of
9684 of 0
12392 of 0
12392 of 12392
12392 of 12392
Please advise...