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XML Format question

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May 5, 2006
this code works greate, to create a an XML Doc. If I no charicters (like =,', or . ) in the create node section below. However, they want the tag to look like this:
<md.securities.tax guid = GHJK426>
How can I make it look like this.

Thank you

Here is my code:

Private Sub CopyValues()

Dim xml_document As DOMDocument
Dim PathGuid_node As IXMLDOMNode
Dim AppPath As String

AppPath = App.Path
If Right$(AppPath, 1) <> "\" Then AppPath = AppPath & "\"

Set xml_document = New DOMDocument

Set PathGuid_node = xml_document.createElement("PathGuid")

PathGuid_node.appendChild xml_document.createTextNode(vbCrLf)

xml_document.appendChild PathGuid_node

CreateNode 4, PathGuid_node, "md.securities.tax guid = GHJK426", GlobalVarNavigationPath
CreateNode 4, PathGuid_node, "md.securities.tax guid = WSLXEE455", GlobalVarNodeGuid
'md.securities.taxonomy guid = SWESE011


' Sends the XML doc to the clipboard
Clipboard.SetText xml_document.xml

End Sub

Private Sub CreateNode(ByVal indent As Integer, ByVal parent As IXMLDOMNode, ByVal node_name As String, ByVal PathGuid_node As String)

Dim new_node As IXMLDOMNode

parent.appendChild parent.ownerDocument.createTextNode(Space$(indent))

Set new_node = parent.ownerDocument.createElement(node_name)

new_node.Text = PathGuid_node

parent.appendChild new_node

parent.appendChild parent.ownerDocument.createTextNode(vbCrLf)

End Sub
This would be legal XML:
<md.securities.tax guid="GHJK426"/>
Assuming you want an empty element called "md.securities.tax", with a "guid" attribute set to GHJK426. You need to look into how to assign attributes in whatever-language-that-is (VB?).

-- Chris Hunt
Webmaster & Tragedian
Extra Connections Ltd
thanks for you help I am extremly new to xml, but was given this project anyway. However, if you could help me understand this a litle beter I would appreciate it. What my code is doing here is making the tag so that it would look like this:

<md.securities.tax guid = GHJK426> </md.securities.tax guid = GHJK426>

Is this not allowed?

Because, if I have one single word in there it works great, it just does not like the characters.
You can't have an element called "md.securities.tax guid = GHJK426". Element names can only be made up of letters, numbers, ".", "-" or "_" symbols. So the spaces and the "=" are just no-nos.

However, if "they want the tag to look like this", I suspect they actually mean what I said in my previous post - adding an attribute called [tt]guid[/tt] with a value of [tt]GHJK426[/tt]. Maybe you should go back to "them" for clarification.

-- Chris Hunt
Webmaster & Tragedian
Extra Connections Ltd
Thank you, I did go back to them and you are right. For give my lack of knowledge here, As I said I am just started learning this. However, you are right they want it to be a tag but at the same time are teling me it is an attribute. I am going to have to read up on this tonight to see if I can put togther waht they want.
Thank you for you help.

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