I've got an XML file that I use to populate a treeview control and a dropdown box. That works fine, although I now want to be able to sort the list of people in the dropdown list. Someone suggested using an XML template, but I'm a bit of an XML newbie and not sure how to do this. Can someone help.
This is what I've got to get the usernames out of the xml file and update fill the dropdown
Sub BuildXMLUsers()
'This loops thru the XML file and recursively calls ListXMLUSers to update the combo
'Restricts the combo to ONLY show the users listed in the XML file
dim oXMLNode
Dim sUniqueFileName
Dim iAdminUser, x, y, sDocument
'Gets the Querystring => retrieve the correct XML file
sDocument = document.location
x = instr(1,sDocument,"iAdmin=")
y = len(sDocument)
iAdminUser = right(sDocument, y - (x + 6))
sUniqueFileName = "XML/admin_users_" & iAdminUser & ".xml"
with oXML.XMLDocument
.async = false
if .load(sUniqueFileName) then
call ListXMLUsers(oXML.SelectSingleNode("/xml/user"))
msgbox "Couldn't load xml file because " & .parseError.reason
end if
end with
end sub
Sub ListXMLUsers(oXMLNode)
Dim oOption ' as object
set oOption = document.createElement("option")
call frmUser.cmbManager.options.add(oOption)
oOption.innerText = oXMLNode.selectSingleNode("@name").nodeValue
oOption.value = oXMLNode.selectSingleNode("@id").nodeValue
for each oXMLSubNode in oXMLNode.selectNodes("user")
Call ListXMLUsers(oXMLSubNode)
End Sub
I've got an XML file that I use to populate a treeview control and a dropdown box. That works fine, although I now want to be able to sort the list of people in the dropdown list. Someone suggested using an XML template, but I'm a bit of an XML newbie and not sure how to do this. Can someone help.
This is what I've got to get the usernames out of the xml file and update fill the dropdown
Sub BuildXMLUsers()
'This loops thru the XML file and recursively calls ListXMLUSers to update the combo
'Restricts the combo to ONLY show the users listed in the XML file
dim oXMLNode
Dim sUniqueFileName
Dim iAdminUser, x, y, sDocument
'Gets the Querystring => retrieve the correct XML file
sDocument = document.location
x = instr(1,sDocument,"iAdmin=")
y = len(sDocument)
iAdminUser = right(sDocument, y - (x + 6))
sUniqueFileName = "XML/admin_users_" & iAdminUser & ".xml"
with oXML.XMLDocument
.async = false
if .load(sUniqueFileName) then
call ListXMLUsers(oXML.SelectSingleNode("/xml/user"))
msgbox "Couldn't load xml file because " & .parseError.reason
end if
end with
end sub
Sub ListXMLUsers(oXMLNode)
Dim oOption ' as object
set oOption = document.createElement("option")
call frmUser.cmbManager.options.add(oOption)
oOption.innerText = oXMLNode.selectSingleNode("@name").nodeValue
oOption.value = oXMLNode.selectSingleNode("@id").nodeValue
for each oXMLSubNode in oXMLNode.selectNodes("user")
Call ListXMLUsers(oXMLSubNode)
End Sub