Hi there!
I just got JBuilder Enterprise 2006 trial and I am trying to build an aplication that uses svg. For that effect, I created a new, empty project and added svg's dtd file. I then chose Generate Java to get all the necessary class files. It happens that, when rebuilding the project, I get several errors related to those automatically generated files. The errors concern "xml:" namespace and others. I believe BorlandXML is generating invalid java variable names, but I can't realize what the problem is because I use W3C's DTD and all the classes are generated by JBuilder.
For example:
IN DTD: %XLINK.pfx;role %URI.datatype; #IMPLIED
IN CODE: public com.borland.xml.toolkit.Attribute xlink:role = new com.borland.xml.toolkit.Attribute("xlink:role", "CDATA", "IMPLIED", "");
Error at xlink:role... I believe that "xlink:" wasn't supposed to be there.. (at least the first one)
As a matter of fact, I get errors on several DTD's, even simple ones (without such prefixes) and I just can't figure it out.. I seem only to be able to successfully compile the generated classes using sample JBuilder DTD's.
I'm new to XML and in using these JBuilder XML features, so any help would be highly appreciated since I can't figure out a solution for this..
Thanks in advance
I just got JBuilder Enterprise 2006 trial and I am trying to build an aplication that uses svg. For that effect, I created a new, empty project and added svg's dtd file. I then chose Generate Java to get all the necessary class files. It happens that, when rebuilding the project, I get several errors related to those automatically generated files. The errors concern "xml:" namespace and others. I believe BorlandXML is generating invalid java variable names, but I can't realize what the problem is because I use W3C's DTD and all the classes are generated by JBuilder.
For example:
IN DTD: %XLINK.pfx;role %URI.datatype; #IMPLIED
IN CODE: public com.borland.xml.toolkit.Attribute xlink:role = new com.borland.xml.toolkit.Attribute("xlink:role", "CDATA", "IMPLIED", "");
Error at xlink:role... I believe that "xlink:" wasn't supposed to be there.. (at least the first one)
As a matter of fact, I get errors on several DTD's, even simple ones (without such prefixes) and I just can't figure it out.. I seem only to be able to successfully compile the generated classes using sample JBuilder DTD's.
I'm new to XML and in using these JBuilder XML features, so any help would be highly appreciated since I can't figure out a solution for this..
Thanks in advance