I have an intranet web page (ASP), which creates an XML file on the server by interrogating a database and saving it with a name based on the users logon name.
This page then runs a JavaScript which loads this file into Microsoft’s XMLDOM in addition with various XSLT style sheets and everything is done client side from there without any problem.
There are about two things I need the user to do which involve the user running ASP scripts which make changes to the database and other things, at which point the entire page needs a reload.
As the page reloads the ASP script recreates the XML file fine, and any change to the basic page is reflected. However I seem to have to bang the refresh button for about 30 seconds to get the XML object to refresh.
I have checked that all the content expiry headers are set to zero, and am sure this is a problem with the expiry of the supporting XML page rather than the ASP page itself.
Thanks In Advance.
This page then runs a JavaScript which loads this file into Microsoft’s XMLDOM in addition with various XSLT style sheets and everything is done client side from there without any problem.
// Load XML
var objxml = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
objxml.async = false
<% response.write("objxml.load(""helpdesk/domobjects/helpdesk_" & strUser & ".xml"")") %>
// Load Main XSL
var objxsl = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
objxsl.async = false
// Load Events XSL
var objxslevents = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
objxslevents.async = false
// Transform
As the page reloads the ASP script recreates the XML file fine, and any change to the basic page is reflected. However I seem to have to bang the refresh button for about 30 seconds to get the XML object to refresh.
I have checked that all the content expiry headers are set to zero, and am sure this is a problem with the expiry of the supporting XML page rather than the ASP page itself.
Thanks In Advance.