Hello everyone,
My team is having the following problem and could need any help. Thanks in advance
we are using lombardi teamworks , one concept in lombardi is build the screen as xml and transform it to HTML using XSLT
building the screen like XML1 (the tw:value has static value), is working using XSLT1 ,
my question is how to modify XSLT 1 to work with XML2 (using variable in tw:value not static value , the value of tw.local.file path will be something like
tw:Layout tw:id="section12" tw:styleClass=""
tw:Section tw:columns="1"
tw:SectionTitle tw:id="sectionTitle" tw:visible="false">banner</tw:SectionTitle
tw:Override tw:key="FILESNIPPET" tw:value=" /
tw:Row tw:rows="0"
tw:Column /
tw:Layout tw:id="section1" tw:styleClass=""
tw:Section tw:columns="1"
tw:SectionTitle tw:id="sectionTitle" tw:visible="false">Section Title</tw:SectionTitle
tw:Override tw:key="FILESNIPPET" tw:value="<#= tw.local.filePath #>" /
tw:Row tw:rows="0"
tw:Column /
xsl:template match="tw:Section"
xsl:when test="tw:Override[@tw:key='FILESNIPPET']"
xsl:apply-templates select="document(tw:Override[@tw:key='FILESNIPPET']/@tw:value)/tw:Form/tw:Layout/tw:Section" /
xsl:call-template name="tw:StandardSection"/
My team is having the following problem and could need any help. Thanks in advance
we are using lombardi teamworks , one concept in lombardi is build the screen as xml and transform it to HTML using XSLT
building the screen like XML1 (the tw:value has static value), is working using XSLT1 ,
my question is how to modify XSLT 1 to work with XML2 (using variable in tw:value not static value , the value of tw.local.file path will be something like
tw:Layout tw:id="section12" tw:styleClass=""
tw:Section tw:columns="1"
tw:SectionTitle tw:id="sectionTitle" tw:visible="false">banner</tw:SectionTitle
tw:Override tw:key="FILESNIPPET" tw:value=" /
tw:Row tw:rows="0"
tw:Column /
tw:Layout tw:id="section1" tw:styleClass=""
tw:Section tw:columns="1"
tw:SectionTitle tw:id="sectionTitle" tw:visible="false">Section Title</tw:SectionTitle
tw:Override tw:key="FILESNIPPET" tw:value="<#= tw.local.filePath #>" /
tw:Row tw:rows="0"
tw:Column /
xsl:template match="tw:Section"
xsl:when test="tw:Override[@tw:key='FILESNIPPET']"
xsl:apply-templates select="document(tw:Override[@tw:key='FILESNIPPET']/@tw:value)/tw:Form/tw:Layout/tw:Section" /
xsl:call-template name="tw:StandardSection"/