This is conceivably a pretty simple question, because I've figured out most of the hard parts. Here goes. I've built an xml page to load into a movie target with text variables. For example, text variable 1 is called "title", 2 is "body" and so on. In the xml page, I refer to an external text file where the text says: "title=lah de dah de dah" (no quotes) and it works fine. But if I add a second variable in the same text file (i.e., "body=this is the body of the title" then it loads it into the title part. It makes sense why it does this, but is there some kind of code to put at the end of desired text and before another variable? I want to be able to update only one text file, not an endless series of text files to achive one goal. Anyone who can help with this will be thanked endlessly.