There are two redundant module working.
When I arrived this morning, any of the modules (J9001 A and J9003A ) are accessible.
- Wifi is working
- "sh run" can be done from the telnet command (from the switch hosting the modules, by entering wireless-module X and sh run
- I have restarded the modules (hard and soft).
Switch version is E.11.03
Module version is WS.02.27
Have you ever experienced this problem ?
Now, it's about French users too !!!
When I arrived this morning, any of the modules (J9001 A and J9003A ) are accessible.
- Wifi is working
- "sh run" can be done from the telnet command (from the switch hosting the modules, by entering wireless-module X and sh run
- I have restarded the modules (hard and soft).
Switch version is E.11.03
Module version is WS.02.27
Have you ever experienced this problem ?
Now, it's about French users too !!!