I am using XL automation to open a worksheet and then to subtotal column 6 (invoice value) on change of account type (column 1). It sometimes works.
The relevant code is :
The relevant code is :
oSelected = .selection
LOCAL ARRAY laArray(1)
laArray(1) = 6
*!* Call the subtotal function
oSelected.Subtotal(1, xlsum, @laArray,.T., .F., .T.)
I notice that if column 1 has a header of "Group" and the cells below it have a single character, A, B or C, it works fine, and I get a line below each group which says "A Subtotal" &c.
If however the cells in column A (Below the header) are descriptive, saying "Sales" then "Purchases" then "Overheads", the XL session prompts with a message to say that it needs to know whether there is a header riow or not.
I quite understand the reason for this, but I want to pre-empt it. Is there a parameter to my oselected.Subtotal() call which will say "Yes, Row 1 is a header row, not to be sorted"?
On a broader level, does anyone know of a reference manual for XL automation. I have Tamar's book which is a helpful introduction but does not claim to be comprehensive. As developers we seem to have to rely on trawling the Internet, anecdotal knowledge, VB help &c. Any possibility of persuading Microsoft to provide more comprehensive documentation, even at this late stage?