In the interest of web site accessibility with regard to screen readers I would like to keep my web pages content towards the top of the html file. However I would like the content to display in a different order. The following code might explain better what it is I am trying to accomplish. The web page is being designed around XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS 2.
<div id=”pagewrapper”>
<div id=”pagecontent”></div>
<div id=”pagenav”></div>
<div id=”pageads”></div>
Page Nav Page Content Page Ads
I would like the web page to have a width of 80% and for there to be three columns. From left to right this would be Page Nav, Page Content, and Page Ads. Thus far I have had little luck with this and I am hoping that some one with more experience might be able to help me out. I can produce the desired look if I do not have the web pages content first, but this is really what I want to accomplish. Can some one help me out?
In the interest of web site accessibility with regard to screen readers I would like to keep my web pages content towards the top of the html file. However I would like the content to display in a different order. The following code might explain better what it is I am trying to accomplish. The web page is being designed around XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS 2.
<div id=”pagewrapper”>
<div id=”pagecontent”></div>
<div id=”pagenav”></div>
<div id=”pageads”></div>
Page Nav Page Content Page Ads
I would like the web page to have a width of 80% and for there to be three columns. From left to right this would be Page Nav, Page Content, and Page Ads. Thus far I have had little luck with this and I am hoping that some one with more experience might be able to help me out. I can produce the desired look if I do not have the web pages content first, but this is really what I want to accomplish. Can some one help me out?