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XHTML Drop Down + IE & FF Spacer!

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Feb 19, 2005

there you will see a drop down and i want a drop down menu exactly like that in XHTML way and it getz validated 100% with no error :) umm...also if u take a look at the "Drop Down" in "IE" and "FF" you will find two different space from top and bottom but in firefox it's fine! but in "IE" i see double spaced? so if anyone can help me fix those two prob? thanks :)!
I don't understand? Do you want us to fix your validation errors? Ok.

0. No character encoding -- since you're not adding one server side use the meta tag to put it there.

1. Your form has no action attribute, which is necessary. Add all needed attributes in the form (even if they are not executed)

2. All attribute names in XHTML must be lowercase. Onchange="" is correctly onchange=""

3-37. In XHTML all elements must be closed. Use [tt]<option></option>[/tt] instead of what you have right now.

38. In XHTML <script> must have a type rather than language attribute. For JS use [tt]type="text/JavaScript"[/tt]

39-end. In XHTML all elements and attributes must be lowercase. Switch accordingly.

That should fix the validation. Different spacing is due to different default margins for form and p elements in IE and FF. Adjust margins for these two in stylesheet and you should be ok.
okay i fixed the "validating" thingi...but now i just only need to fix the spacer :( which is giving me problem!!
Vragabond, could u help? with spacing cuz i tried to fix that :( but i was unable to fix it :( so help if you can? thanks!!
Why not try and help yourself first?

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sorry, i forgot to upload the fixed one :( i uploaded now!! check it...the validating thingi is fine! now..just the spacer problem!
try something in the line of:
<form action="index.php" method="post" style="margin: 0;">
<p style="text-align: center; margin: 0;">
Then adjust the margin to get the desired result.
Okay, now im getting the same stupid "spacing" problem with "FF" it works fine in "IE" but problem with FF only :( so, can anyone help me out here...oh btw i checked and it validated and did a test on netmechanic.com and showed me "Zero" errors :)!

oo look down all the way bottom in "Firefox" browser and u will see there is a space but in "Internet Explorer" it doesnt show! ..

The space is there in FF because the text is rendering differently. Reduce and increase your font size to see what I mean.

Basically what I'm saying is: You can't do much about this - so live with it.

People will have their font sizes at varying settings. Your site will look different for many people... so don't worry about something you can't control.

Hope this helps,

[tt]D'ya think I got where I am today because I dress like Peter Pan here?[/tt]

hmm..you know why this spacer came? cuz of "Line-Height". I put line height on "TEXT" and it came out different way in FF and IE when i took off the "Line-Height" it worked fine? and no spacer as well...but i need the line-height or else the text becomes too close to eachother.
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