I bought this machine at a second hand shop. It actually looks like it's new. After plugging it in, I tried copying.
(It is not hooked to the computer as we needed a copier). It copied but was low on black ink. I refilled the cartridge and put it back in and it started cleaning the heads. It did this for awhile. Now I get an error message: system error F952-refer to user guide. The problem is...I don't have one...could someone please tell me what this error message means?? and perhaps help get it back to copying..I have tried unplugging it and waiting but the message comes back on...Thanks Beccy
(It is not hooked to the computer as we needed a copier). It copied but was low on black ink. I refilled the cartridge and put it back in and it started cleaning the heads. It did this for awhile. Now I get an error message: system error F952-refer to user guide. The problem is...I don't have one...could someone please tell me what this error message means?? and perhaps help get it back to copying..I have tried unplugging it and waiting but the message comes back on...Thanks Beccy