This Phaser print was setup using TCP/IP and a workstation (LAN assistant) running Windows 2000 Server. Every thing worked great, except the department who recieved the printer after inital setup was not satisfied with the speed of the prints. So to appease, the Phaser printer was reconfigured to be a local printer from a workstation in that departments area. However, this is where the problem begins...Only the start up page prints, and one test print, and any one document\image. Then the docs sit in the queue. Eventually an error is reported, sometimes you cancel the job and send the job to a different printer. I can repeat the install of the printer and get the same results. I have even removed the printer from the local setup to a network TCP\IP setup (where it USED to work fine). Now, it does the sme as a local printer. Configuration sheet, start up page and one print job. Then it stops working.