Don't get me wrong - I've printed many thousands of fine pages with my 860DP - fairly low cost pages, too.
But darn it, for units that weigh slightly less than a battleship, there are way too many teeny, fragile plastic parts, that once broken, leave the whole thing DOA.
Itsy-bitsy flags, flimsy guides, you get the picture. It seems to me that for a very minor increase in cost some of these parts could have been made of zinc, and would improve the unit 1000%.
To make it worse, the HEAT from leaving the printer on 24/7 (as recommended) just makes the plastic more brittle every day.
I'm on my second 860DP, which just broke a tiny flag - so it's dead. I may try to canabilize my other machine to get the 2nd one going, but it is just SO frustrating to have such a fine machine laid low by a few crappy parts.
But darn it, for units that weigh slightly less than a battleship, there are way too many teeny, fragile plastic parts, that once broken, leave the whole thing DOA.
Itsy-bitsy flags, flimsy guides, you get the picture. It seems to me that for a very minor increase in cost some of these parts could have been made of zinc, and would improve the unit 1000%.
To make it worse, the HEAT from leaving the printer on 24/7 (as recommended) just makes the plastic more brittle every day.
I'm on my second 860DP, which just broke a tiny flag - so it's dead. I may try to canabilize my other machine to get the 2nd one going, but it is just SO frustrating to have such a fine machine laid low by a few crappy parts.