Prints in bluish tint. Internal prints are too blue. Tried resetting color calibration to factory defaults, resetting NVRAM, updating firmware, replacing cartridges, etc. Nothing helps! Anyone have any other ideas?
It is possible your laser has went bad, there are some checks a tech can do to check the printer, it might be in your best interest to have a tech check the printer.
If he is a tech I would suggest the following action:
I have seen at least 20 times now where a Phaser 7700 would have one color much darker than before, causing the customer to complain that the colors are off and the solution to the problem was to replace the laser assembly.
There were times where the customer or on-site technician was able to adjust the color calibration to make it appear to look almost OK but not quite. The customer would accept the color changes for a little bit but eventually call back with colors off again.
The way I have been instructing technicians to determine the problem is to have them run the Fast Scan 8 test print in diags and look at the saturation of the colors. Usually you would see about 6 to 8 shades of color on a page. If you see one of the colors that looks substantially different than the other three colors then go into Adjustments/Calibrations in diags and run the ADC Output check.
Once the test is completed hit the OK button twice. You will then see on the control panel:
Y: RADC Target = 342
Ave RADC Trans = 321
Ideal LDILL = 400
V Bias = 887
V BCR = 0
Press the DOWN ARROW one time and the display will show:
M: RADC Target = 346
Ave RADC Trans = 354
Ideal LDILL = 545
V Bias = 887
V BCR = 0
Press the DOWN ARROW one time and see:
C: RADC Target = 360
Ave RADC Trans = 384
Ideal LDILL = 674
V Bias = 887
V BCR = 0
Press the DOWN ARROW one time and see:
K: RADC Target = 350
Ave RADC Trans = 332
Ideal LDILL = 479
V Bias = 887
V BCR = 0
The values above are from my Phaser 7750.
The RADC Target value is usually around 350 to 400.
The Ave RADC Trans value is the one that you want to look at. If the Ave RADC Trans value is low, anywhere from 0 to 200, the density of that color will be high. The lower the Trans value the brighter that color. I have seen the Trans value at 0 and the color was printing full saturation.
Replacing the laser assembly has resolved this problem on 100% of the calls.
Thank you for the help Cultoflon. We appreciate it. The situation was that the guy had bought this printer off of E-Bay, and it had this problem (he of course, thought it was a perfectly working machine when he made the purchase.) He wanted to know if it would be a cheap fix or not, so he would know whether or not to keep it. Again, thank you for the info.
Have a nice day today, and a better day tomorrow!!!
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