Newbie question: I am trying to parse XML documents with XSL style sheets to create HTML. I've tried both Xalan-J 2.0.1 and Saxon 6.2.2, using supplied sample servlets for testing (SimpleXSLTServlet for Xalan, SaxonServlet for Saxon). I'm running Tomcat 3.2 on Win98. I get essentially the same error with both:
Java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.xml.sax.Attributes: method getQName(I)Ljava/lang/String: not found
I've checked (and tried various versions of) various jars in my classpath, and found this class to be present.
Any suggestions as to how I might proceed? Should I force the jars to load in a particular sequence?
Java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.xml.sax.Attributes: method getQName(I)Ljava/lang/String: not found
I've checked (and tried various versions of) various jars in my classpath, and found this class to be present.
Any suggestions as to how I might proceed? Should I force the jars to load in a particular sequence?