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  • Congratulations SkipVought on being selected by the Tek-Tips community for having the most helpful posts in the forums last week. Way to Go!


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May 2, 2003
Help, I can't get rid of this, and symantic instructions of removal are too complicated, I don't know how to reverse regestry entries, what can I do?

When student asks a questions, often the most obvious solution is the answer.
Try letting Trendmicro's online scan remove it for you:

Or, try Panda's site for the same:

Or, try eTrust's online scan here:

Otherwise, I'd start looking for someone with the know-how to follow through with the removal instructions enumerated on Sumantec's website.

Tired of waiting for an answer? Try asking better questions. See: faq222-2244

A very good answer.

Now were have you been?

Missed you around here.

Hi Bill...
Reorg within my agency got me snapped up by a Protective Investigations division that has historically been woefully "under-teched." I managed to get some funds turned into a pile of new equipment. Now, I spend my time setting up fourteen counties' worth of field offices and helping staff get acclimated.
I miss Tek-Tips...hopefully I can slip back into my old groove once things are up and fully running.

Tired of waiting for an answer? Try asking better questions. See: faq222-2244

Sounds fun, different, (and I am a big booster of an IT guy in a local government setting. Pro Bono, I support a ton of them. The budgeting alone would drive me nuts, but you have to love the guys/gals who do it.)

I just miss a carr note along the lines of:
"Well, do what Bill said above, and the do this......"

Kind of kept me humble.


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