I want to be able to send mail from within php code on an apache web server that is set up with sendmail. I also need php to be able to set the from address on the envelope.
When php sets the from address, a warning header is added to the email:
To get rid of this I add (the user that apache runs as, I believe) to the list of trusted users in sendmail. This appears to work:
..yet when I try sending out emails again they STILL have the bloody X-Authentication-Warning, which means that they are rejected as spam by some email servers.
authwarnings is currently being included in PrivacyOptions. I'm severely tempted to turn it off altogether but it seems silly to have to do that.
Is there a setting somewhere that is telling sendmail 'put the X-Authentication-Warning on even if the user is trusted'??
My sendmail.mc is as follows:
Thanks for any help you can offer!
When php sets the from address, a warning header is added to the email:
X-Authentication-Warning: ship.theoarc.org.uk: [URL unfurl="true"]www-data[/URL] set sender to owen@theoarc.org.uk using -f
To get rid of this I add (the user that apache runs as, I believe) to the list of trusted users in sendmail. This appears to work:
ship:/# sendmail -bt
ADDRESS TEST MODE (ruleset 3 NOT automatically invoked)
Enter <ruleset> <address>
> $=t
[URL unfurl="true"]www-data[/URL]
authwarnings is currently being included in PrivacyOptions. I'm severely tempted to turn it off altogether but it seems silly to have to do that.
Is there a setting somewhere that is telling sendmail 'put the X-Authentication-Warning on even if the user is trusted'??
My sendmail.mc is as follows:
VERSIONID(`$Id: sendmail.mc, v 8.13.4-1 2005-03-28 03:33:42 cowboy Exp $')
dnl # Items controlled by /etc/mail/sendmail.conf - DO NOT TOUCH HERE
dnl # Items controlled by /etc/mail/sendmail.conf - DO NOT TOUCH HERE
dnl #
dnl # General defines
dnl #
dnl # SAFE_FILE_ENV: [undefined] If set, sendmail will do a chroot()
dnl # into this directory before writing files.
dnl # If *all* your user accounts are under /home then use that
dnl # instead - it will prevent any writes outside of /home !
dnl # define(`confSAFE_FILE_ENV', `')dnl
dnl #
dnl # Daemon options - restrict to servicing LOCALHOST ONLY !!!
dnl # Remove `, Addr=' clauses to receive from any interface
dnl # If you want to support IPv6, switch the commented/uncommentd lines
DAEMON_OPTIONS(`Family=inet, Name=MTA-v4, Port=smtp')dnl
DAEMON_OPTIONS(`Family=inet, Name=MSP-v4, Port=submission, M=E')dnl
dnl #
dnl # Be somewhat anal in what we allow
dnl #
dnl # Define connection throttling and window length
define(`confCONNECTION_RATE_THROTTLE', `15')dnl
dnl #
dnl # Features
dnl #
dnl # The access db is the basis for most of sendmail's checking
FEATURE(`access_db', , `skip')dnl
dnl #
dnl # Owen added this 18 Oct 07
dnl # (attempting to get trusted users working)
FEATURE(`dnsbl', `sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org', `Mail from "$&{client_addr}" listed on
the SBL [URL unfurl="true"]http://www.spamhaus.org/.')dnl[/URL]
FEATURE(`dnsbl', `taiwan.blackholes.us', `Mail not accepted from Taiwan.')dnl
FEATURE(`dnsbl', `malaysia.blackholes.us', `Mail not accepted from Malaysia.')dn
FEATURE(`dnsbl', `thailand.blackholes.us', `Mail not accepted from Thailand.')dn
FEATURE(`dnsbl', `china.blackholes.us', `Mail not accepted from China.')dnl
FEATURE(`dnsbl', `korea.blackholes.us', `Mail not accepted from Korea.')dnl
FEATURE(`dnsbl', `Brazil.blackholes.us', `Mail not accepted from Brazil.')dnl
FEATURE(`dnsbl', `wanadoo-fr.blackholes.us', `Mail not accepted from Wanadoo.')dnl
FEATURE(`dnsbl', `relays.ordb.org', `Email rejected due to sending server miscon
figuration - see [URL unfurl="true"]http://www.ordb.org/faq/\#why_rejected')dnl[/URL]
FEATURE(`dnsbl', `dynablock.njabl.org', `This domain does not accept mail from d
ynamic blocks. Rejected using dynablock.njabl.org.')dnl
FEATURE(`dnsbl', `vote.drbl.jackpot.uk.net', `Sending server rejected using priv
ate list. See [URL unfurl="true"]http://www.jackpot.uk.net/drbl/drbl.html')dnl[/URL]
dnl # The greet_pause feature stops some automail bots - but check the
dnl # provided access db for details on excluding localhosts...
FEATURE(`greet_pause', `1000')dnl 1 seconds
dnl #
dnl # Delay_checks allows sender<->recipient checking
dnl # FEATURE(`delay_checks', `friend', `n')dnl
dnl #
dnl # If we get too many bad recipients, slow things down...
dnl #
dnl # Stop connections that overflow our concurrent and time connection rates
dnl # FEATURE(`conncontrol', `nodelay', `terminate')dnl
dnl # FEATURE(`ratecontrol', `nodelay', `terminate')dnl
dnl #
dnl # If you're on a dialup link, you should enable this - so sendmail
dnl # will not bring up the link (it will queue mail for later)
dnl define(`confCON_EXPENSIVE',`True')dnl
dnl #
dnl # Default Mailer setup
# Owen added this 18 Oct 07
Dj$m dnl
# end of sendmail.mc file
Thanks for any help you can offer!