Olaf Doschke
Maybe worth another article, though you already find several mentionings of this bridge of VFP to the .NET world.
What is it?
The wwDotnetBridge allows you to use DotNet assemblies, no matter if native (.NET Framework, third party or self written), because it works without the somewhat cumbersome definition of COM visibility of classes and also works without any registration with regasm.
It's quite easy to use, eg as in
What is it?
The wwDotnetBridge allows you to use DotNet assemblies, no matter if native (.NET Framework, third party or self written), because it works without the somewhat cumbersome definition of COM visibility of classes and also works without any registration with regasm.
It's quite easy to use, eg as in
Set Procedure To ...\wwdotnetbridge.prg && part of the download
loBridge = Createobject("wwDotNetBridge","V4")
loIO = loBridge.createinstance("Assembly.Class")[class]
The SET procedure allows to use the wwDotNetBridge class, which initialises some things, loads a functionality of the clrhost.dll and starts a .NET Framework version, by the 2nd line creating the loBridge object. The next step already loads the assembly, eg a third party assembly, which allows you to make use of components written for .NET not usable in VFP directly, and the last line then creates a class instance. You don't get intellisense from it, as you get from COM classes, but that's merely a small nuisanse compared to make all the detail definitions in COM interop and even more of a pain needing to register an Assembly DLL.
The Dotnet Bridge is available as ready to use download and you can also get sources and adapt a few things by forking a github source code repository. If you need to stay VFP for several reasons and have the need to use new components only available for .NET you have a slight investment to do with that component and it's also recommended you learn enough C# or VB.NET to wrap some assembly in some proxy class you can easier use in VFP, and you might do that with an Express version or get Visual Studio from a Bizspark or Action Pack subscription. You don't need to register anything to be able to use it, that's the nices thing about it. It's already enough to keep things working while perhaps migrating whole applications or part of them and perhaps the best thing available for a smooth transition away from VFP. I would have recommended this earlier, if I had the need for it and used it earlier.
Bye, Olaf.