Anyone have any install instructions for WU-FTPD that a normal person can understand? The install instructions that come along with the ftp server are very difficult to understand.
Why ProFTPd? Just curious. I want to use webmin so that is why I have to change from VSFTPD to ProFTPD or WU-FTPD.
What I would like to do is set up anonymous access and basically just jail them to say /var/ftp/incoming. I would like them to be able to make a new directory inside of incoming and am having problems with VSFTPD for some reason.
Also is there any easy way, as with windows, to completely remove like VSFTPD from my system?
better, but ProFTPd is a common one and tends to be more supported.
Removing packages depends on your distro. If you used an RPM, or have an RPM based system, you could run [tt]rpm -e vsftpd[/tt]. If not, your distro probably has some other way to deal with packages (like Debian uses it's apt system). //Daniel
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