I've recently been tasked to creat some all-VBScript jobs, including FTP. Previously they were done with CMD -> SCP & VBS. Here's my attempt to run an old program that does not wotk on my computer. Surely I'm doing it wrong, but can't figure it out.
I get an error: "Invalid procedure call or argument, Code 800A0005"
What am I missing or doing wrong?
I'm also having problems with get my FTP program to run as well in WSH. I suspect I'm not logging via script since I ran it from a CMD file and the CMD window reported Not Connected. Here's the VBS code snippet, if you can see why VBScript error says "The system cannot find the file specified - Code 80070002".
Dim oWSH, myPath, cNewFile, xx
Set oWSH = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
myPath = "C:\myFolder\Testing"
cNewFile = myPath & "\myZipFile.zip"
xx = oWSH.Run("S:\Common\PKZIP " & cNewFile & " " & myPath & "\*.csv",1,True)
What am I missing or doing wrong?
I'm also having problems with get my FTP program to run as well in WSH. I suspect I'm not logging via script since I ran it from a CMD file and the CMD window reported Not Connected. Here's the VBS code snippet, if you can see why VBScript error says "The system cannot find the file specified - Code 80070002".
xx = oWSH.Run("C:\""Program Files""\IpSwitch\""ws_ftp professional""\ftpscrpt -p ""Shared Sites!TestSite""" & myPath & "\myTestScript.scp",1,True)