Oracle and CR11.5
I have Group 2=Tran_ID & Group 1=Part. I take the maximum quantity by Trans_ID in GF2. I want to sum these by Part.
I have 3 formulas:
SumPart in GF2
numbervar MP := MP + Maximum ({PROJ \\.QUANTITY}, {PROJ \\.TRANS_ID});
DisplayPart in GF1
numbervar MP;
ResetPart in GH1
numbervar MP;
if not inrepeatedgroupheader then
MP := 0;
MP in GF1 acts as if it adds the last line twice so the sum is incorrect. I must have something in the wrong place but can’t see it.
I have Group 2=Tran_ID & Group 1=Part. I take the maximum quantity by Trans_ID in GF2. I want to sum these by Part.
I have 3 formulas:
SumPart in GF2
numbervar MP := MP + Maximum ({PROJ \\.QUANTITY}, {PROJ \\.TRANS_ID});
DisplayPart in GF1
numbervar MP;
ResetPart in GH1
numbervar MP;
if not inrepeatedgroupheader then
MP := 0;
MP in GF1 acts as if it adds the last line twice so the sum is incorrect. I must have something in the wrong place but can’t see it.