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wrong page loads at url

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Technical User
Apr 29, 2000
The kids at my school have found a way to make an "inappropriate" page load when you try to access ie. "Hotmail".
I've cleared the history, cleared the temp. files.
How do I fix this and how do they do this?????
Kids will be kids!

Is this happening when they go to Hotmail.com, or is this the default start page? You may have to be a little more specific as to the process that is taking place, for I am not familiar with Hotmail. There may be a registry setting that needs to be changed. Try the following steps first.

To really clear the history and temporary internet files:
Close IE. Depeding on your system, go to:

C:\Temporary Internet Files\
Delete everything in there. There may some files left which are not deleted.

C:\Windows\HistoryDelete everything in here as well. Some files are not removed when you hit the Clear-History button.

If your systems are networked, there are several other places where these files are placed, although the ones listed above will probably fix the problem.

Hope this helps!
I thought they might be redirecting the page .cgi programming depending on their expertise. Wish they would put that much effort in their classes, don't you? :)

Anyway, do a START/FIND/Files or Folders/Drive/Containing text/type the specific TEXT the url has in it. Just type part of it if you want to, this find will bring up any file that has that specific text. Then see what the file extentions are, you are more than likely looking for an extention of .cgi.

Is your school on a server? It mystifies me how kids could get access to a server. The CGI script would have to be in a special folder to actually do what they have done, at least on a domain server it does. Do they have FTP access?

Read below for the HOW TO:

How can I redirect the browser to a different page?

It is possible to redirect the browser to a different URL, effectively "forwarding the call" to a different page. To do this, either take advantage of the redirection features offered by your web server or write a CGI program which outputs the following:

Note that two line breaks must follow this line.
A few older browsers may have difficulty following such directives. You can combat this problem by outputting a short page of HTML to the user after the above information, explaining that the page has moved.

There are also a few browsers which expect to see a URI: header as well as a Location: header. If you wish to be agonizingly thorough, output both headers before the double line break.

I hope this helps, but knowing the kids of today, they could have done this a whole different way. If you do a Find on that specific text, though, you will see what files have that url in them. Ask you Network administrator for help.


I hope I never get too old or arrogant to learn something new!
Thanks guys,

1. the kids are totally locked out of the server (I checked with our tech man). It's only happening on 2 machines.

2.It is not the default start page. Just happens when you type in or go to a link somewhere else to access Hotmail.

3. I tried all the suggestions about history & temp. internet files etc. NO change.

4. I couldn't follow the directions for the .cgi programming. I'm OK till ".../Drive?/Containing text/type the specific TEXT" My Windows98 doesn't seem to have those options. Or, I've got the "Friday before a long weekend" muddled brain.

Thanks I appreciate the help!
It was probably my instructions, I was up late the night before! The steps given are what I would have done...but...after waking up and rethinking your situation....

Since I am not an expert on redirection, maybe you should post your same scenario in the javascript forum or the Web Site Designers, these guys use redirection for their web pages all the time and might be better at explaining how it is being done and what to look for!....or should I say would definitely be better at explaining what to look for! :)

Let them know the kids have no way to log onto the main server. There are different scripts to use to redirect an html file and that might help them eliminate one of them.

Hope this helps!

I hope I never get too old or arrogant to learn something new!
Pretty interesting problem.....

try this
Tools->Internet Options->Content->AutoComplete->
Unclick all checks, and click the buttons clear Forms and clear Passwords, restart IE and type again.

If that does not work, simple type this instead of

good luck and email me if that does or does/not work

Thanks - I'll try it "first thing" Tuesday, no school today (MLK B'day).

Didn't work!?!?!?#!#@$%^ But, thanks for the great ideas.
try this in Ie5 Browser.


Internet Options


Content Advisor ..click the " Enable " tab

Approved Sites.

try to match the url they are redirecting to and dissallow it.

What ever they did , it is specific to those 2 machines.. also the Administrator may want to password protect this feature if the kiddies haven't already done so themselves.
I did it! I did it!
I finally asked a 10th grade "computer kid" if he had any ideas.

We did a File Find for "hosts"

Open hosts with NotePad

Delete IP Address & text line


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