Hi There,
I wanna test if I have permissions to write a file on a Windows share like this:
and when i run this, I always get back to not have permissions to write but when i navigate with windows explorer to given location - i can properly access files(rwx)!
What's wrong here?
Thanks for any hints!
Hours of planing can save weeks of coding
I wanna test if I have permissions to write a file on a Windows share like this:
proc finaltest::retrieve {target perm startTime} {
# replace any forward slashes with backslashes
regsub -all {/} $target {\\} target
# Check if we have requested write permissions to file
set wrtbl [file writable $target]
set wrreq [string first "w" $perm]
if { $wrreq > -1 && $wrtbl == 0} {
GUI::Error_DialogWIN "Permission denied, no write access to file\n$target\nrequested permissions: $perm\nwrreq: $wrreq wrtbl: $wrtbl"
return NO_ACCESS
What's wrong here?
Thanks for any hints!
Hours of planing can save weeks of coding