I am trying to get a window to open and to then write out the new pages' code that has been dynamically
created and placed in a string.
========== lines below are the last few lines to form the string ===============
if (nncNames.length >= 1){tagStrList += "<tr><td align=center><b> - </b></td><td align=center><b> - </b></td><td align=center> C#-Value </td><td align=center>"+ nncTagValue +"</td></tr>"}
} // this is end of FOR loop to build tags table
tagStrList += "</table><br><center><b><a href='" + rtnLocation + "'><==BACK~</a></b></center>"
tagStrList += "<form name=newDomTags><textarea align=left cols=120 rows=32 name=origCode value='---Original-Code---'></textarea><textarea align=right cols=120 rows=32 name=domCode value='---Results DOM code goes here---'></textarea></form>"
tagStrList += "</table><br><center><b><a href='" + rtnLocation + "'><==BACK~</a></b></center>"
tagStrList += "</body></html>"
====== the following is the syntax i am trying to use to open a new window and then write the pages code to it ====
// var OpenWindow=window.open("", "HTML-DOM-TAGS", "height=550,width=800,top=50,left=50"
// OpenWindow.document.write(tagStrList)
// OpenWindow.document.close()
===== this code works but just overwrites the current page' and is not a separately opened window ======
document.newDomTags.origCode.value = srchorig
document.newDomTags.domCode.value = tempstr
Does anyone know if possible to write out a variable-string containing the text :
tagStrList += "</table><br><center><b><a href='" + rtnLocation + "'><==BACK~</a></b></center>"
tagStrList += "</body></html>"
----- rather than writing out each line explicitly ? -- like :
OpenWindow.document.write("</table><br><center><b><a href='' + rtnLocation + ''><==BACK~</a></b></center>"
If so, please provide the syntax of that statement.
Thanks, Jim