Here's the situation, <br> I have a frameset with three frames. One is a menu, one is the content, and the other is a header for the content.<br><br>I have added this line on to the end of my <A HREF> links in the menu: onClick="wrtHeader('header text')"; <br><br>the function wrtHeader looks like this :<br> function wrtHeader(pageHeader)<br> { <br> var header = "<HTML>"<br> + "<HEAD>etc...</HEAD>" <br> + "<BODY>"<br> + "<p>" + pageHeader + "</p>"<br> + "</BODY></HTML>";<br> top.headerFrame.document.write(header);<br> }<br><br>This funtion works fine if I click on a link, the header appears in the header frame, but when I click on a second link, nothing happens. I'm assuming that the next header is added to the bottom of the page in the header frame. So how do I replace the header that is already there?<br><br>Thanks for any help!<br><br>Chris Macp <br><A HREF=" TARGET="_new">