What is the neatest way of writing the contents of a TTable or DBgrid out to a text file. I need to be able to specify either comma separated or tab separated values. I want the first line to be the field headings and then one line per record with each field separated by the delimiter. I also want to be able to nominate which fields I export, but I can always just create a temporary sub table for that.
I notice that there is a SaveToFile method for DBgridColumns, but I haven't worked out if that will do it for me.
I haven't done much text I/O since the days of the old text file routines. I take that things like filestreams should make it a bit easier.
Thanks for all the help on my earlier posts, they are really appreciated.
I notice that there is a SaveToFile method for DBgridColumns, but I haven't worked out if that will do it for me.
I haven't done much text I/O since the days of the old text file routines. I take that things like filestreams should make it a bit easier.
Thanks for all the help on my earlier posts, they are really appreciated.