I need to pass a hidden variable called BTN that consists of three parts of a phone number (the area code, the NXX, and the line number). The three parts have to be entered seperately in three text fields on one search page - how exactly do I funnel them into a single string in a hidden field which I can then passed as a URL? I thought this would be a simple task of crating a hidden field with #NPA##NXX##Line# - but I get a URL of ...??BTN=%23NPA%23%23NXX%23%23LINE%23. tried <cfoutput>#NPA##NXX##LINE#</Cfoutput> -but that throws and error. I also figured out I have to pull the entry table out of the submit form, but I still can't get the correct output. Scott Neth
Web Designer/Cyberpunk
Web Designer/Cyberpunk