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Writing for optimal speed

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Jun 23, 2000
Hi there, wanted some information (perhaps links or something to articles) about methods used to optimise CF code speed-wise.

I know a few tricks which can speed up code, but I'd like to know why these work too.

Hi there,

Check out and Off the top of my head, I use a combo of CFSCRIPT, short-circuit eval, and plain simple logic I picked up over the years.

(1) Use CFSCRIPTs when you can.

(2) Take advantage of short-circuit evaluation when evaluating two or more expression in conditional statements when you can.
Eg. for 'ANDs' put more likely false expression before others.
if x=3 is less likely than y=5 then write
<CFIF (x EQ 3) AND (y EQ 5)>
blah blah blah...
It's the reverse for 'ORs' where you put the more likely true expression before others.

(3) Any variable with value other than 0 and 'NO' are evaluated as true if used as an expression. Therefore you do the following:

<CFIF qUsers.Recordcount>
// code here is evaluated query qUsers record count IS NOT 0.



I agree with Klotzki. Some of the tips I use:

1. When you want to check for the existence of a variable, use <cfif isDefined(&quot;form.variable&quot;)>. I used to CFPARAM my variables, then check for len, but isDefined is faster.

2. Scope your variables. A local variable would be &quot;variables.variableName&quot;; form variables would be &quot;form.variableName&quot;, and so on.

3. When you're doing queries, prefix the column you're selecting with the table name.

<cfquery name=&quot;getbooks&quot; datasource=&quot;ingram&quot;>
select books.title, books.author, books.ISBN
from books
where bookID=<cfqueryparam value=&quot;#url.bookID#&quot; cfsqltype=&quot;CF_SQL_VARCHAR&quot;>

Two other things I'd like to point out in the above statement:
3a. Don't use &quot;select *&quot;; list out the columns you need.

3b. When you have a WHERE clause that has a variable in it, use CFQUERYPARAM to scope that variable a little more tightly. There's about 8 different types, some of which your DB driver may not support, but at the very least, you can use CF_SQL_VARCHAR and CF_SQL_INTEGER. This is also a security patch.

4. If you have more than 3 possible conditions in a CFIF, put it in a CFCASE statement instead.

That's about all I can think of off the top of my head. HTH.
Just to correct geofflilley, you use:

<CFIF ParameterExists(&quot;Form.Variable&quot;)>

to check if a variable exists.

The existance of a parameter (whether it has been created) and whether it is defined (if the value is null or not) or not are two different things.

Ryan ;-]
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