Help !!!
Could any one tell if the write statement below
is correct
write(1) nmax
write(1) ( ( ni, nj, 1 ), n=1,nmax )
do 10 n = 1, nmax
write(1) ( ( x(i,j,n), i=1,ni ), j=1,nj ),
& ( ( y(i,j,n), i=1,ni ), j=1,nj ),
& ( ( z(i,j,n), i=1,ni ), j=1,nj )
10 continue
I try to compile this code, but it's no working. I am
using f90 compiler. The error seems to be in the character
'&' used for continuing the write statement. In the above
statement, I am actually trying to continue the write statement in another line, and I am doing it twice.
Please help
Could any one tell if the write statement below
is correct
write(1) nmax
write(1) ( ( ni, nj, 1 ), n=1,nmax )
do 10 n = 1, nmax
write(1) ( ( x(i,j,n), i=1,ni ), j=1,nj ),
& ( ( y(i,j,n), i=1,ni ), j=1,nj ),
& ( ( z(i,j,n), i=1,ni ), j=1,nj )
10 continue
I try to compile this code, but it's no working. I am
using f90 compiler. The error seems to be in the character
'&' used for continuing the write statement. In the above
statement, I am actually trying to continue the write statement in another line, and I am doing it twice.
Please help